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30 cards in this set (10x Beast 10x Beauty 10x Brain)
Cards can be played against each other.
There are 2 versions for each "Hot Twist" card.

#1 The Brain King

#2 Art E Brayne

#3 Professor G Neeyus

#4 Briana Brainstorm

#5 The Mind Boggler

#6 Hot Head

#7 Smarty Pants

#8 Hatlas the GEEK God

#9 Boy Genius

#10 Brain Box

#11 Apollo D. Sungod

#12 Volupta Le Swoon

#13 Bunzo Steel

#14 Mimi Lookamee

#15 Venus de SMILE-O

#16 Lip Lady

#17 Cheezee Grinner

#18 Q. T. Pie

#19 M. T. Lirix

#20 Hunky McSpunk

#21 The Wild Man

#22 The THINGY

#23 Lumber Jack

#24 Jungle Jim

#25 Ima Feral

#26 Ally Gator

#27 Dawn O'Time

#28 Bearly Human

#29 B. Hemoth

#30 Amazon Annie
There is an alternative version of the twisted series which has the same cards but with an orange and red border. I speculate the orange and red border version was released in Australia, while the blue border was released in NZ.
They are identical except the Australian version displays a 'straight' symbol.

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